Live DJ servicing all of Okinawa, Kadena, MCCS, Tori, local clubs/bars, and many private events!!! Now also include Karaoke!!
Playing all the top tracks & hits from today to the early 90’s. Genres include Hip Hop, R&B, Latin, Pop, Reggae, Rock & Country.
Get great quality music based on your music preference.
Events Include: Birthdays, Weddings, School Dances, Christmas Parties, Baby Showers, Military Balls, Bars, Night Clubs, Karaoke, Festivals and any other special events.
(Includes Speakers, Mics, & Lights)
Various Light Packages to meet your needs!
For Booking Information: or
For previous videos please check out Instagram link:
To guarantee a spot please call in advance for event scheduling.
(Last minute request accepted with 24 hr notice). Serious Inquiries Only.
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